• Life is Better at Home Newsletter

    This newsletter provides insight into what is a home evaluation, elder abuse prevention, resources and tips, product of the month, and much more.

    July 2023 
  • a diverse couple holding hands and 2 cups on a table

    Life is Better at Home Newsletter

    The newsletter includes tips and tips for aging-in-place with dignity, independence & quality of life. This issue provides a review of the product of the month, community resources, Rx discount card freebie and fall prevention tips.

    June 2023 
    • Aging Unbound picture for Older Americans Month

      Aging with Pizzazz

      Aging gracefully is not a mystery. We have more control over how we age than we might think.

      And doing things that bring you joy and surrounding yourselves with friends and family that bring you, love, goes a long way to aging gracefully.

      Aging with Pizzazz 
    • individual holding a home in their hands

      Tips for Staying in Your Home for Life

      How can someone age in place with dignity, independence, and quality of life? When planning for your future as you age, several factors are crucial.

      There are six areas to explore as you look to stay in your home for life.

      Tips for Staying in Your Home for Life 
    • Older Americans Month Aging Unbound May 2023

      Aging Unbound

      Older Americans Month is recognized during the month of May every year. It began in 1963 after a group of advocates, National Council of Senior Citizens, met with President John F. Kennedy.

      For 2023, the theme is Aging Unbound, which encompasses diverse aging experiences and how to combat stereotypes of older individuals.

      Aging Unbound 
    • table with a person using pill opener to open medication bottle

      Universal Design, the Design for Everyone

      Universal Design is a concept that is inclusive of everyone.

      Universal Design is also a design that promotes living in your home as you age and helps to reduce fall risks in the home.

      Universal Design is a perfect complement to promoting healthy and positive aging.

      Here is a video example of Universal Design in use.

      Universal Design for Everyone! 
    • Picture of 6 women who were part of the AccelerateHER TWU Cohort in Houston

      Collaboration is Key!

      Being a small business owner is not for the faint of heart. It requires commitment, perseverance, and collaboration. The work never ends and is a continuous cycle of what’s next. In business, you must align yourself with other businesses that will support you, and business relationships must be mutually beneficial.

      Collaboration is Key! 
    • image of prescriptions medicines on top of money, cost of medications

      Save Money on Prescriptions

      Saving money on prescriptions is very important to us all! You can save up to 80% on your prescriptions and medications, with or without existing insurance.

      Saving Money on Prescriptions 
    • women on floor that has fallen and person helping them up

      Falls are a Major Concern

      It is no secret that falls are a significant concern for aging adults. Falls are the leading cause of injury and death among adults over 65. But what is less known is why falls are such a problem.

      Fall Concerns 
    • hands holding a sign that says AGING

      Aging in Place

      As people age, many want to stay in their homes for as long as possible. This is known as Aging in Place. But what does that mean? And how can you make it happen for yourself or a loved one? Here's what you need to know about Aging in Place.

      Aging in Place