As people age, many want to stay in their homes for as long as possible. This is known as Aging in Place. But what does that mean? And how can you make it happen for yourself or a loved one? Here's what you need to know about Aging in Place.
Aging in Place:
Aging in Place is a term you may have been hearing more and more lately. What does it mean? Simply put, it means aging in your home and community as long as possible. There are many benefits to aging in place, from increased safety and independence to decreased stress levels and lowered health care costs. Keep reading to learn more about this growing trend and how to make it work for you or your loved ones.
Aging in Place: What is It?
The cost of long-term care can be difficult to imagine, but it's an issue that impacts many people. The Consumer Affairs website ( has data on how much you might need in your state and what type of setting - from nursing homes with private rooms to assisted living facilities and even homecare options.
90% of seniors ages 55+ desire to age in place.
Aging in Place: What is It?
As of 2022, Consumer Affairs reported that the national median cost of nursing home care in the United States ranged from $7500 - $9000 per month. Yes, you read that correctly. If you need long-term care in a nursing home, the median annual cost will range from $90,000 to $108,000. If you want to know the estimated cost of nursing home care in your state, Consumer Affairs has broken it down for us, including the median cost of care for nursing home (private room), nursing home (semi-private room), assisting living, and in home care per month.
Being informed about what you are facing as you age in place is the first step to ensuring it is a reality in the future. The reality is that care, as we age, is very expensive.
The national median cost per month for long-term care:
- Nursing Home Private Room $8821
- Nursing Home Semi-Private Room $7756
- Assisted Living $4300
- In-Home Care $4576
Consumer Affairs notes that the numbers do not factor in specialized care for loved ones with dementia or other special needs. The cost of long-term care in America is a huge issue for many people who need assistance with everyday tasks like cooking, cleaning, and bathing.
Aging in Place: What is It?
Unfortunately, it can also be expensive if you want professional help from someone who doesn't live next door or family members, which some may find impossible because they're already overburdened by their own lives! This data shows how much our country values healthcare, but what does this mean?
Aging in Place: What is It?
It means that with some planning, support, and resources, we can embark on a journey together and make aging in place a journey and a reality. We all want to be able to live our best life as we contemplate how we can age in place.
Let's start a movement!
Julie Leith, LMSW, MBA
Durable Assistance & Consulting LLC
Aging in Place: Dignity, Independence & Quality of Life